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It is with great pleasure which we are able to publicize the fact that we currently have the most recent Equator EZ3720CEE 14-Pound Combo Ventless Condensing Washer Dryer offered by manufacturer. Even though there are many styles exactly like it, you will find that none of them will offer you just as much value for your money as this newest style through such a respected organization. Only once you buy a highly suggested brand exactly like it can you feel that your hard earned dollars is well spent.
Now, what exactly is it relating to this certain Equator EZ3720CEE 14-Pound Combo Ventless Condensing Washer Dryer which places this in a class of its own? In this specific situation you will find that originating from this type of well-known supplier signifies that you happen to be investing in a product that has a history of superior quality products. Different imitators come and go leaving a pathway of dissatisfied customers, when you buy one manufactured by manufacturer, you know it is possible to rely on constantly getting the highest quality merchandise offered.
Not just are we content to be able to incorporate the Equator EZ3720CEE 14-Pound Combo Ventless Condensing Washer Dryer to the inventory of great products, but we are pleased to have the ability to supply it for you at this type of fantastic good deal. You may be capable of finding this version somewhere else, but you're not likely to get them at the exceptionally good deal we've got it on sale for as a result of our special buying power. At a cost which is this low, you will be getting a good item and true value for your money.
The combination washer and dryer is more energy efficient, and takes up much less space than conventional washer and dryer units. Because this machine is both a washer and a dryer, you never have to transfer loads from one machine to another.
- Fully Automatic - From washing to drying cycle without interruption.
- Ventless Drying - No ventilation is required (EZ 3720 CEE). No need to worry about dryer exhaust heating the room.
- Better Cleaning at Lower Costs - This front loading Washer and Dryer in one unit uses less water leading to less use of detergent and less consumption of energy
- Adaptability - The special Portability Kit lets you place the Combo Washer-Dryer in a location convenient to you to operate it and to store it
- 4 Casters
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